Teacher Collaborative Routines
Implementation of Research-Based Practices
Research on effective practices for teacher collaboration around instruction, student support, and collective teacher efficacy identify the following set of practices in three key areas: Instructional Design and Delivery, Using Data to Deepen Student Learning, and Reflective Practice. The following research-based practices support implementation of this system in a district.
Click on the Research Practice to view the Practice Details.
Instructional Design and Delivery
Using Data to Deepen Student Learning
9. Teachers collaborate to analyze academic and non-academic data to make informed decisions.
Reflective Practice
10. Teachers observe each other’s practice and use data to improve instruction.
11. Teachers offer each other informal feedback on their instruction.
12. Teachers reflect on feedback and adjust instruction using research- and evidence-based practice.
13. Teachers engage in action research using a collaborative inquiry model around problems of practice.
Practices Overview
Practices Overview identifies all of the evidence-based, high-leverage practices within each system area on a single page.
Readiness and Planning
Readiness and Planning provides a comprehensive picture of the early actions and preparation that a district takes to engage any or all of the individual practices within a system.
Practices and Progress Indicators
Practices and Progress Indicators provide a comprehensive picture of the evidence-based practices within each system along with descriptive indicators of each practice at different points in the implementation process, ranging from Getting Started to Getting Better to Keep Improving.
Implementation of Practices Learning Modules
On-Demand Learning Modules to guide you through the implementation of practices.