Systems and Routines
Implementing systems and routines supports a data-driven approach to continuous improvement. Each system and routine includes research-based practices to support the improvement of teacher and leader performance and student learning. Additionally, collaborative teams ensure ongoing communication, problem-solving, and feedback loops between central office, building, grade-level, and content-area teams within a district.
District Systems
District Systems, which include Instructional, Student Support, Leadership, and Talent Management, support teacher and leader performance and student learning.
Instructional System
The Instructional System includes research-based practices around curriculum design and content, implementation, and monitoring of teaching and learning.
Leadership System
The Leadership System provides the structures to develop adult capacity with the skills and behaviors that positively impact teacher and leader performance and student learning.
Student Support System
The Student Support System provides structures to address the social, emotional, health, nutritional, and behavioral needs of the whole child.
Talent Management System
The Talent Management System includes identifying, developing, and retaining the talent required to impact teacher and leader performance and student learning.
Building Routines
Building-level Routines, which include Instructional Leadership Routines and Teacher Collaborative Routines, lead to instructional improvement at the building level.
Instructional Leadership Routines
Instructional Leadership Routines position the building principal and other leaders in the role of guiding and leading instructional improvement at scale in the building.
Teacher Collaborative Routines
Teacher Collaborative Routines include classroom teachers collaborating while planning for instruction and analyzing student data for instructional improvement.
Collaborative Teams
Collaborative teams work together to ensure ongoing communication, problem-solving, and feedback loops between central office, building, grade-level, and content-area teams within a district.
District Network
A District Network:
-sets the vision for teaching and learning
-leads and guides the creation and refinement of systems to connect people, processes, and structures to support the vision
-ensures that the proper supports are in place to enact the necessary changes
-collaborates with all stakeholders
Building Network
A Building Network:
-assists the building leaders in data collection, data review, action planning, and implementation
-supports the principal and staff to positively impact instructional and non-instructional outcomes
-implements systems and routines at the building level