Student Support System
Seven Research-based Ways Families Promote Early Literacy
Global Family Research Project introduces a series of occasional research-to-practice reviews laying out high-leverage areas for family engagement. High-leverage areas are those processes and practices that have the greatest effect on student learning and development. They could be processes such as the transition to school, and practices such as engaging families in early math and early literacy. Family engagement is key in building strong pathways that lead to children’s healthy development, school readiness, graduation, and subsequent success. This research-to-practice brief focuses on early literacy.
District and building leaders might choose to read the research-to-practice brief and view the 1:22 video in order to build/strengthen school and family partnerships for the purpose of promoting early literacy. Leaders might then complete the reflection tool in order to formalize a plan for promoting those practices that research shows families can use to foster early literacy.
Caspe, M., & Lopez, M. E. (2017). Seven Research-Based Ways That Families Promote Early Literacy. Research-to-Practice Brief. Global Family Research Project.
ReadyRosie. (2018, November 16). Seven research-based ways families promote early learning [Video]. YouTube.