On-Demand Learning
Teacher Collaborative Routines

Research and Rationale
Purposeful Practices
Intentional Structures
Collective Responsibility
Teacher Collaborative Routines consists of several modules designed to develop a theoretical understanding of each practice of teacher collaborative routines as defined in the Implementation of Practices. This course will provide the research supporting collaborative best practices and will also provide practical support and examples that enable teachers to move from theory to impactful and sustainable collaborative routines.
Participants will explore the purpose, the practices, and the steps necessary to:
effectively engage in routines that focus on the design and delivery of high-quality instruction;
build their skills collaboratively around different ways that students solve/approach subject-specific learning tasks;
use academic and non-academic data to understand student learning needs and to collaboratively plan responsive instruction and additional support; and
develop impactful peer observations, feedback, and instructional dialogue that enhances teachers’ ability to provide responsive instruction and support.