On-Demand Learning
Mindsets to Teach and Reach All Students

The Relational Mindset
The Achievement Mindset
The Positivity Mindset
The Rich Classroom Climate Mindset
The Enrichment Mindset
The Engagement Mindset
The Graduation Mindset
The Mindsets to Teach and Reach All Students course consists of several modules designed to assist leaders and teachers in developing a greater awareness and actionable strategies to engage each student.
This course is based on the work of Eric Jensen who has conducted extensive research and authored numerous books on children living in poverty. His 2019 book, Poor Students, Rich Teaching: Seven High-Impact Mindsets for Students from Poverty (Using Mindsets in the Classroom to Overcome Student Poverty and Adversity), equips teachers and leaders with the mindsets necessary to make a profound and lasting difference in the lives of their students.
Each module will focus on one of the seven mindsets Jensen identifies as essential to impacting learning and addressing the opportunity gap.