Leadership System
Templates & Tools
Observation Feedback Template
This template might serve as a standalone observation feedback tool. However, it is most effective when paired with clearly articulated expectations for high-quality instruction. Districts might consider adopting an instructional model (e.g. Gradual Release of Responsibility, Workshop Model, 5E Model, etc..) or engage in a process which defines what high-quality instruction looks like in the context of your district.
This template might be used by district, building, and instructional leaders to provide feedback to teachers following an informal observation or walkthrough. When coupled with communication protocols, the tool is a potential resource for increasing the probability of ongoing dialogue around instruction and/or classroom management. The observation feedback template might also be used for peer-to-peer feedback. An observation feedback example is provided in the Supporting Resources section.
Adapted from: Danielson, C. (2013). The Framework for Teacher Evaluation Instrument. 2013 edition. The Danielson Group.