Instructional System
The Graduate Profile: A Focus on Outcomes
According to the article, a graduate profile is a document that a school or district uses to specify the cognitive, personal and interpersonal competencies that students should have when they graduate. This article provides some general guidelines for creating a graduate profile.
It may be helpful for districts to use this article along with Michigan’s “Profile of a Graduate” in order to develop and adopt their own graduate profile, which can then be used to create “an impetus for many implementation strategies necessary to bring the competencies to life for students” (Kay, 2017). An additional suggested resource is the Battelle for Kids website which provides a downloadable getting started guide for superintendents.
Kay, K. (2017, May 17). The graduate profile: A focus on outcomes. Edutopia.
Three Key Questions on Measuring Learning
This article, written by researcher Jay McTighe in 2018, posits that educators, policy makers, parents, and others interested in improving the way we measure learning in today’s schools need to examine three essential questions related to student outcomes.
District and building leaders, subject area leads, and those involved in curriculum work might use this article as a springboard for conversations around the three key questions posed in the article:
What matters in contemporary education?
How should we assess the things that matter?
How might assessments serve learning?
How you answer the three questions posed in the article has significant consequences for educational measurement, instructional practices, and ultimately, student learning. It is suggested that the article is read using the Four A’s Text Protocol.
Next steps may involve building and district level administrators, along with lead teachers, to use a district assessment inventory tool to help identify the assessments being used in-district, determine why they are being used, and to decide what data can be collected from their use.
The Michigan Department of Education has a district assessment inventory tool that can be downloaded and edited.
McTighe, J. (2018). Three key questions on measuring learning. Educational Leadership, 75(5), 14-20.