Instructional Leadership Routines
7 Principles of Active Observation
Rutherford Learning Group, Inc. is a research and professional development consultancy focused on high performance teaching and effective leadership. The ten-minute podcast, notes on 7 Principles of Active Observation, and notes on Become a Keen Observer of Classroom Environments support district and building leaders as they seek to improve their observation practices.
This resource is about refining the art of observation. How might observers improve their observation skills? Leaders might individually reflect on their approach to observation. District and leadership teams might choose to listen to the podcast while reviewing both sets of notes. How is the information provided similar and different from current observational practices. Teams might then identify an area of growth for improvement.
Rutherford Learning Group.
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum:
Collaboration for Equitable Student Outcomes Episode #2 Podcast
To help school leaders and leadership teams self-assess the “guaranteed and viable” status of their curriculum, Episode #2 podcast [length=18:34] and accompanying resources might be used.
Does your school have a guaranteed and viable curriculum? [Blog post]
Developing a GVC [Infographic]
Cultural connections lead to systemic change in Cree Nation [Success Story]
This is one of several free resources provided by McREL International. In each of McREL’s Curiosity for Better Learning podcasts you’ll hear from fellow educators and McREL researchers and professional learning leaders about top-of-mind topics in K-12 education.
Dempsey, K. (Host). (2022, August 15). Guaranteed and viable curriculum: Collaboration for equitable student outcomes [Audio podcast]. McREL International.
A Principal’s Guide to Coaching Teachers
This video from Education Week follows the leadership team at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Early College in Denver as they discuss their weekly observations and coaching sessions for their teachers. Observers single out one “high-leverage” action step for each teacher to work on and incorporate into their instruction to make lessons more engaging for students. Principal Kimberly Grayson and Assistant Principal Rachael Amundson give step-by-step descriptions of how they work with teachers to improve. Grayson says she tells teachers to “practice with us, so you can practice perfect with your students.”
This video showcases the importance of developing a coaching routine and demonstrates how this routine looks in practice. The video and accompanying transcript might be used by district and building leaders as they work to develop their instructional leadership routines, specifically in the areas of coaching and feedback.
Education Week. (2019, October 17). A principal’s guide to coaching teachers [Video]. YouTube.