Instructionally Focused Leaders: How to Have Better Conversations Using Coaching Skills

Presented by the Statewide Field Team

Facilitated by Sharon Thomas, Senior Consultant, Instructional Coaching Group

Instructionally focused leaders engage in conversations around instruction and instructional practice. In order to effectively lead instruction, school leaders and coaches provide actionable feedback and support for evidence-based instructional practices. How might a leader accomplish this? Join us as we learn together and continue to grow our coaching and feedback skills to support the implementation and sustainability of a strong instructional system.

October 25 - 26, 2022

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • Day 1: Oct 25 Working with Adults:

    1. How does the way we approach the people we want to support influence their willingness to accept our help?

    2. How can implementing the Partnership Principles lessen resistance to professional development and change and assist in developing a “Coaching Way of Being”?

    3. What are the 8 key coaching skills, and how can we improve them?

    4. What are the roots of teacher resistance, and how can we effectively create more positive cultures of learning for students and adults?

    Day 2: Oct 26 Intro to Leadership Coaching (Leader as Coach):

    1. An overview of the beliefs, process, and skills in the GROWTH Model

    2. Introduction to the GROWTH process

    3. A discussion of the Partnership Principles and how they inform the work of coaches

    4. A discussion of additional coaching skills, including listening and questioning, providing feedback, noticing, and staying present in the conversation

    5. Ideas for how participants can continue to learn and improve as coaches