Educational Equity


Educational Equity:
What does it mean? How do we know when we reach it?

In this paper, Center for Public Education (CPE) provides a brief overview of educational equity and its various, sometimes overlapping parts. The report begins by reviewing the data on the students served by public schools. The authors then describe the areas in an equity agenda that research shows will have the greatest impact on student outcomes: funding, curriculum, teachers and discipline policies. The hope is to provide a common vocabulary for school boards to help them start conversations in their communities and thereby bring the nation closer to fulfilling its promise of equal opportunity for all.

  • Leadership teams may want to read this 10-page article prior to their regularly scheduled team meeting.  During the meeting, teams might choose to utilize the Four A’s Text protocol to elicit others’ thoughts and beliefs around this text and to share one’s own beliefs and thoughts. Additionally, school leaders who want to make sure their schools are equitable should first look at their data.  Leaders may want to answer the questions found on pages 7 and 8 of the article in order to gain a greater awareness of where the data shows their school is in regards to an equitable system for all students.  Finally, taking district context into consideration, a Superintendent may want to share this article or the contents of this article with all or part of their school board.

  • Instructional System

    Practice #4

    Practice #14

    Student Support System

    Practice #4

    Practice #5

    Practice #13

Center for Public Education. (2016). Educational equity: What does it mean? How do we know when we reach it?.