Data-Driven Decision-Making


Building Capacity for Data-Based Decision Making Through Effective School Leadership and Job-Embedded Learning

This hour long edWeb podcast is sponsored by Illuminate Education. School leaders play a critical role in creating a culture of data-based decision making and empowering teachers to use data to impact future learning outcomes. During this edWeb podcast, research-based practices are shared that will help you to build capacity in your school for data-based decision making through effective leadership. You also learn how educational leaders can leverage data-based decision making as a platform for job-embedded professional learning.

Smith, C. C. & Smith-Peterson, M. (Hosts). (2022, November 10). Building capacity for data-based decision making through effective school leadership and job-embedded learning [Audio podcast]. edWebcasts.

Data-Driven Instructional Decision Making

The Practice Guide includes five recommendations that are intended to form a framework that examines data use at all levels of the system.

  • The first recommendation focuses on making data part of an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement.

  • The next recommendation focuses on students becoming partners in their own education, and teaching students to use data—to examine it and develop their own learning goals from it—can be one way to foster that partnership and help motivate students and make them really feel like they are part of the educational process.

  • The remaining three recommendations focus on what schools and districts need to do to create the conditions that are necessary to support data use and to establish a vision that everyone can get behind in terms of how they want to use data in the school.

Hamilton, L., Halverson, R., Jackson, S. S., Mandinach, E., Supovitz, J. A., & Wayman, J. C. (2009). Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making. IES Practice Guide. NCEE 2009-4067. National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.

Institute of Education Sciences. (2017, November 30). Data-driven instructional decision making. [Video]. YouTube.