Collaborative Teams


The Power of Collaboration

This video by TEDxTalks features Dr. Shelle Van Etten de Sánchez providing a 6 ½ minute presentation around the power of collaboration.  Over the past 12 years as the Director of Education at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Dr. Shelle VanEttten de Sánchez learned indispensible lessons about the power of collaboration in situations of limited fiscal resources, staffing, and time. The five essential lessons shared in the video are:

  1. “Lego my Ego”

  2. “Practice makes Perfect”

  3. “Share and Share Alike”

  4. “Right Partners Lead to Big and Better Things”

  5. “Teamwork Does Not Equal Collaboration”

Collaboration, although rarely the easiest way to accomplish a goal, can turn a small idea into something that far surpasses its original potential.

  • This video might be used by leadership teams to introduce or to reaffirm the importance of collaboration to their teacher teams. The district may want to use this video to showcase the importance of collaborative partnerships between district and building leaders and between district leadership themselves.

    A transcript of the video is provided along with reflection questions to consider.

  • Connections can be made to each of the 13 practices found within Teacher Collaborative Routines.

TEDx Talks. (2014, January 15). The power of collaboration: Dr. Shelle VanEtten de Sánchez at TEDxABQWomen [Video]. YouTube.